Shake it like a polaroid picture..
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
thee end
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
WED: Tennis with Luke after school!
Skit practice for house at someones house, and it's going to be awesome if we can pull it off.
THURS: Skit during school, which I have to admit will be fun.
FRI: Hashbrown party.
Se7en with Joel (finally!)
SAT: CHALK PARTAY! which will rock and if you wanna come, come.
alright... i realieze my posts have been scarces lately, but nothing has really prompted me to be like "uhhh, way blog worthy."
thee end
Monday, March 07, 2005
Sit down, the coffee’s on, I’ll take it black
Or intravenously, through a tube
Just woke up, feeling lethargic
I’m fixed in a jarred state of mind
Collecting myself, there’s more to be done
Floor tile never feels so good as when it’s your Only Friend
It leaves me with an overall lack of comfort
That is surpassed only by humanity (society)
The floor is the vast emptiness
And disgust I am left with when I try to find
The one common good in people
People lie.
People cheat.
People Pretend.
I’m not disillusioned, I just don’t understand
Another car will crash and another hole be dug
No bodies are ever buried, only numbers
Numbers don’t have faces, my friends do
I’ve buried my friends
My friends aren’t numbers
Ever notice how the bus stop is a little colder
Than the news reports?
Or how pencils don’t work unless they’re sharpened
Imagine if everything in the world was dull
No points, no cuts, no scrapes, no pricks.
But then nothing would feel at all
No vividness, no joy, no warmth, no love.
Do you take cream and sugar?
Dustin's poem just feels right right now, it was a really good day, but god this just says it...
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
i owe you one Mediterranean Cruise Cafe!