Tuesday, August 31, 2004

i have decided i m such a blonde
which frightens me ever so
i m like a girl who sleeps with Bond
no brains, all mojo

I'm not saying i have any sex appeal
its all about the lack of thought
my brains are starting to congeal
cuz i've lost all i've been taught

Oh the life of being a ditz
its beginning to suit me well
before my behavior was only in fits
but now it's clear as a bell

Sunday, August 22, 2004

KANSAS: a short, but well lived, epic
Top 10 Worst things (In no particular order)
1. The ride up
2. having to sit next my annoying aunt in the car.... 7 hours times 2
3. having to sleep in the same bed as my sister.... who kicks and rolls around
4. Sleeping in the same room as my father who sounds like he is dying in his sleep, snoring and then silence and a large gasp of air... over and over
5. Albert Lee... in general
6. Riding home with cranky cousins
7. Not being able to sleep because the tv was on, the radio was going, and people were playing trivia on the ride up
8. Getting stuck behind not only one, but twoooooooo trains, both with over 100 cars
9. Having a conversion van, during rush hour with no turn signals and no brake lights resulting in getting lost because having no ability to get onto the exit on the freeway
10. Esentially, the car rides in general

Top 10 greatest things (In no particular)
1. seeing like 40 of my relatives from all over the US, drunk off their ass and dancing to we are family
2. The food... Blueberry Pancakes, KC Masterpiece BBQ, the wedding food
3. Seeing Dave and Laurie, the bride and groom, soooo happy and in love... it was so cute
4. Dave always tripping over Laurie's train
5. The beds were very nice in the hotel room
6. Doing a threesome with my cousins... haha Dave and Anne
7. A swimming pool that goes in and outdoors and all you have to do is swim under this little wally thingy
8. Watching my sister get hit on by this really large, mexican kid at the wedding and my older cousin attempting to pull off being her boyfriend
9. Watching all my aunts and cousins do the electric slide, including the pregnent-and-due-in-a-mont-one

Friday, August 20, 2004

according to Dan Kauppi i m about to embark on the most boring yet epic journey known to mankind.... Kansas

see-ya in 3

thee end

Saturday, August 07, 2004

i want to see princess diaries 2 sooo bad who will join me in my epic quest to go the first night? it comes out next wednesday i believe and i want to go at like 7ish... any takers???

thee end

Friday, August 06, 2004

Random thoughts all about: Blueberries
1. Blueberry muffins have an entirely different taste the second day, not necessarily good or bad, just... different.
2. Have you ever thought about having blueberry sauce, like applesauce? They cook down pretty well and are in themselves pretty sweet so why not?
3. Have you ever gotten a blube that is so sour your mouth like craps itself..... or so sweet you need like 187 glasses of water to neutralize your mouth?
4. Its one of the only fruits not paired with say a meat, or salad. i.e. strawberries in a salad or mango salsa on meat, but what could you put blubes on? Chicken? Pork? Salad? (fruit salad doesn't count you nit-wits)

Unrespected, underfunded, and underappreciated, I declare that this moment blueberries are the new apple... instead of apples and oranges, it shall be apples and blubes, and instead of apples and bananas... well you get the idea

get it
got it

thee end